segunda-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2014

Valentine´s day Poems

Para os meus queridos alunos, aqui vai uma ajudinha da teacher
Escolham o poema, ou poemas, que mais gostem e escrevam-no num postal para oferecerem a quem vocês quiserem, por exemplo, ao vosso melhor amigo

                                                                     Roses are red.  
Violets are blue.

Sugar is sweet.

And so are you.

Valentines, valentines,
Pink, red and blue,

I've made a pretty one
Just for you!

Do you love me,
or do you not?

You told me once,

but I forgot!

I'm going to wrap myself in paper
I'm going to stick myself with glue

I'm going to tie a BIG red bow on me

and mail myself to you.

There are gold ships,
There are silver ships,

But there are no ships

Like friendships.

I love you, 
I love you,
I love you so well.
If I had a peanut 
   I'd give you the shell. 

Kevin and Katie up in a tree,

First comes love, 

then come marriage,
then comes Baby in a baby carriage

 Won't you bee my valentine
 And fly away with me?
  We'll bumble along together
 'Cause you're my Honey Bee!

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